Post It Notes While Reading Evidence Based Practice

Comprehension: The Goal of Reading

Comprehension, or extracting significant from what you read, is the ultimate goal of reading. Experienced readers take this for granted and may not appreciate the reading comprehension skills required. The procedure of comprehension is both interactive and strategic. Rather than passively reading text, readers must analyze information technology, internalize it and brand information technology their own.

In gild to read with comprehension, developing readers must exist able to read with some proficiency so receive explicit instruction in reading comprehension strategies (Tierney, 1982).

pointer​ Strategies for reading comprehension in Read Naturally programs

White rabbit from Alice in Wonderland​General Strategies for Reading Comprehension

The process of comprehending text begins earlier children can read, when someone reads a motion picture volume to them. They listen to the words, run across the pictures in the book, and may start to associate the words on the page with the words they are hearing and the ideas they stand for.

In order to learn comprehension strategies, students need modeling, practice, and feedback. The key comprehension strategies are described beneath.

Using Prior Knowledge/Previewing

When students preview text, they tap into what they already know that will assist them to sympathize the text they are about to read. This provides a framework for any new information they read.


When students make predictions near the text they are about to read, information technology sets up expectations based on their prior noesis about similar topics. As they read, they may mentally revise their prediction as they gain more information.

Identifying the Main Thought and Summarization

Identifying the main idea and summarizing requires that students determine what is of import and then put it in their own words. Implicit in this process is trying to understand the author's purpose in writing the text.


Request and answering questions about text is another strategy that helps students focus on the meaning of text. Teachers tin can help by modeling both the procedure of asking adept questions and strategies for finding the answers in the text.

Making Inferences

In order to make inferences almost something that is not explicitly stated in the text, students must learn to draw on prior knowledge and recognize clues in the text itself.


Studies have shown that students who visualize while reading have better recall than those who exercise non (Pressley, 1977). Readers can have advantage of illustrations that are embedded in the text or create their ain mental images or drawings when reading text without illustrations.

Strategies for Reading Comprehension: Narrative Text

Narrative text tells a story, either a true story or a fictional story. There are a number of strategies that will help students sympathise narrative text.

The story map is one of the reading comprehension strategies for narrative textStory Maps

Teachers can have students diagram the story grammar of the text to heighten their awareness of the elements the author uses to construct the story. Story grammer includes:

  • Setting: When and where the story takes place (which can change over the course of the story).
  • Characters: The people or animals in the story, including the protagonist (main character), whose motivations and actions drive the story.
  • Plot: The story line, which typically includes one or more issues or conflicts that the protagonist must address and ultimately resolve.
  • Theme: The overriding lesson or main thought that the writer wants readers to glean from the story. It could exist explicitly stated as in Aesop's Fables or inferred by the reader (more common).

pointer​ Printable story map (bare)


Asking students to retell a story in their own words forces them to clarify the content to determine what is important. Teachers tin encourage students to get beyond literally recounting the story to drawing their own conclusions nearly it.


Teachers can ask readers to make a prediction about a story based on the title and any other clues that are available, such as illustrations. Teachers can later ask students to find text that supports or contradicts their predictions.

Answering Comprehension Questions

Asking students dissimilar types of questions requires that they discover the answers in dissimilar ways, for case, by finding literal answers in the text itself or past drawing on prior knowledge so inferring answers based on clues in the text.

Strategies for Reading Comprehension: Expository Text

Expository text explains facts and concepts in order to inform, persuade, or explicate.

The Structure of Expository Text

Expository text is typically structured with visual cues such as headings and subheadings that provide articulate cues as to the construction of the information. The first sentence in a paragraph is also typically a topic judgement that clearly states what the paragraph is nigh.

Expository text also oft uses one of 5 mutual text structures as an organizing principle:

  • Cause and effect
  • Problem and solution
  • Compare and contrast
  • Clarification
  • Fourth dimension order (sequence of events, actions, or steps)

Teaching these structures tin assist students recognize relationships between ideas and the overall intent of the text.

Master Idea/Summarization

A summary briefly captures the main idea of the text and the cardinal details that support the main idea. Students must understand the text in society to write a good summary that is more than a repetition of the text itself.

A K-W-L chart can develop reading comprehension skills for expository text​K-W-Fifty

There are three steps in the Grand-W-L process (Ogle, 1986):

  1. What I Kat present: Before students read the text, ask them as a group to identify what they already know almost the topic. Students write this list in the "K" column of their G-W-50 forms.
  2. What I Westwardpismire to Know: Ask students to write questions virtually what they want to acquire from reading the text in the "W" column of their K-West-Fifty forms. For example, students may wonder if some of the "facts" offered in the "K" column are true.
  3. What I Fiftyearned: Every bit they read the text, students should await for answers to the questions listed in the "W" column and write their answers in the "L" column along with anything else they acquire.

Subsequently all of the students take read the text, the teacher leads a discussion of the questions and answers.

pointer Printable K-W-50 chart (blank)

Graphic Organizers

Graphic organizers provide visual representations of the concepts in expository text. Representing ideas and relationships graphically tin can assistance students understand and recollect them. Examples of graphic organizers are:

Tree diagrams that correspond categories and hierarchies

Tree diagram graphic organizer

Tables that compare and contrast data

Comparison table graphic organizer

Fourth dimension-driven diagrams that represent the order of events

Time-driven graphic organizer

Flowcharts that represent the steps of a procedure​

Flowchart graphic organizer

Teaching students how to develop and construct graphic organizers will crave some modeling, guidance, and feedback. Teachers should demonstrate the process with examples commencement before students practise doing information technology on their own with teacher guidance and eventually work independently.

Strategies for Reading Comprehension in Read Naturally Programs

Several Read Naturally programs include strategies that support comprehension:

Read Naturally Intervention Program Strategies for Reading Comprehension
Prediction Step Retelling Step Quiz / Comprehension Questions Graphic Organizers

Read Naturally Live:
A more often than not independent, deject-based program with built-in audio support. Focuses on fluency and phonics with additional support for vocabulary.

  • Learn more about Read Naturally Alive
  • Video: Working through a story
  • Main idea
  • Literal
  • Vocabulary
  • Inferential
  • Short respond
  • Retell / summary
  • Comparison questions (levels v.6–eight.0)

Read Naturally Encore:
A generally independent, impress-based program with sound support on CDs. Focuses on fluency and phonics with boosted support for vocabulary.

  • Acquire more virtually Read Naturally Encore
  • Read Naturally Encore sample stories
  • Main idea
  • Literal
  • Vocabulary
  • Inferential
  • Brusque answer
  • Retell / summary
  • Comparison questions (levels v.6–8.0)

Read Naturally GATE:
Teacher-led instruction for pocket-size groups of early readers. Focuses on phonics and fluency instruction with additional support for phonemic awareness and vocabulary.

  • Learn more than near Read Naturally GATE
  • Read Naturally GATE samples
  • Literal (containing many words with the featured phonics patterns)
  • Short answer

I Minute Reader Live:
A component of spider web-based Read Live for supplemental, contained reading that develops fluency with back up for vocabulary and comprehension.

  • Learn more virtually the One Minute Reader Live
  • Main idea
  • Literal
  • Vocabulary
  • Inference

One Minute Reader Books/CDs:
Printed books with audio back up on CDs that develop readers' fluency with support for vocabulary and comprehension.

  • Learn more than nearly the One Minute Reader Books/CDs
  • One Minute Reader sample book
  • Master thought
  • Literal
  • Vocabulary
  • Inference
  • Short answer (oral response)

Take Aim at Vocabulary: A impress-based program with audio CDs that teaches advisedly selected target words and strategies for independently learning unknown words. Students work mostly independently or in teacher-led small groups of up to half-dozen students.

  • Learn more than nigh Take Aim at Vocabulary
  • Take Aim at Vocabulary samples
  • Chief thought
  • Literal
  • Vocabulary
  • Inference
  • Vocabulary: Clarify target words
  • Vocabulary: Study discussion parts and review target words
  • Vocabulary: Utilise the target words


Honig, B., L. Diamond, and L. Gutlohn. (2013).Teaching reading sourcebook, second ed. Novato, CA: Loonshit Press.

Ogle, D. Chiliad. (1986). K-Due west-50: A educational activity model that develops active reading of expository text. The Reading Teacher 38(6), pp. 564–570.

Pressley, M. (1977). Imagery and children'due south learning: Putting the moving-picture show in developmental perspective. Review of Educational Research 47, pp. 586–622.

Tierney, R. J. (1982). Essential considerations for developing bones reading comprehension skills.Schoolhouse Psychology Review 11(3), pp. 299–305.


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