art Nursery Mixeduse Project in Planning for Del Paso Boulevard

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Planning & Community Development Department 115 -Unit Mixed-Use Project (711 E. Walnut Street) Predevelopment

Planning & Community Development Department 115 -Unit of measurement Mixed-Utilize Projection (711 Eastward. Walnut Street) Predevelopment Plan Review City Council July eleven, 2016

Predevelopment Plan Review Planning & Community Development Department • Projects of Communitywide Significance: §

Predevelopment Programme Review Planning & Community Development Department • Projects of Communitywide Significance: § Projects greater than 50, 000 square feet in size with at least i discretionary action § Projects with fifty of more housing units • Proposed project is a mixed-use projection with 11, 600 sq. ft. of commercial space and 115 housing units • Informational Only – No Action Required 2

Property Location Planning & Community Development Department NEC of Walnut St. & El Molino

Property Location Planning & Community Development Department NEC of Walnut St. & El Molino Ave. iii

Project Summary Planning & Community Development Department • 711 E. Walnut Street: § CD-3

Project Summary Planning & Community Evolution Department • 711 Eastward. Walnut Street: § CD-3 (Walnut Housing Subdistrict) Zoning Commune § Site consists of half dozen parcels; 0. 98 acres (42, 790 sq. ft. ) § Annihilate 5 existing commercial buildings and construct a new v - and six -story Mixed-Use project, including: • 115 residential units with 10 affordable units • eleven, 600 sq. ft. commercial infinite § 3. 06 Floor Expanse Ratio (131, 020 sq. ft. ) § 75 feet maximum height § 239 parking spaces provided 4

Site Plan (Ground Floor Plan) Planning & Community Development Department 5

Site Programme (Ground Floor Plan) Planning & Community Evolution Section 5

Second Floor Planning & Community Development Department 6

Second Floor Planning & Community Development Section 6

Third through Fifth Floor Planning & Community Development Department 7

Third through Fifth Floor Planning & Customs Development Section seven

Sixth Floor and Roof Deck Planning & Community Development Department 8

Sixth Floor and Roof Deck Planning & Community Evolution Section 8

Elevation Plans Planning & Community Development Department 75 feet West (El Molino Ave. )

Elevation Plans Planning & Customs Development Section 75 feet W (El Molino Ave. ) Superlative 9

Elevation Plans Planning & Community Development Department 10

Elevation Plans Planning & Community Development Department 10

Aerial View Looking Northwest Planning & Community Development Department 11

Aerial View Looking Northwest Planning & Community Development Section eleven

Discretionary Entitlements Planning & Community Development Department • Affordable Housing Concession Permit: § To

Discretionary Entitlements Planning & Community Evolution Department • Affordable Housing Concession Permit: § To exceed the maximum permitted floor area ratio requirement of 2. 25, and § To exceed the height limit of 60 feet • Design Review: § For a project that exceeds 25, 000 foursquare feet in size 12

Current Planning Comments Planning & Community Development Department 13

Current Planning Comments Planning & Community Development Section 13

Current Planning Comments Planning & Community Development Department • The project appears not to

Current Planning Comments Planning & Community Development Department • The projection appears not to be in compliance with the post-obit development standards (no dimensions on the plans): § Setbacks –forth Walnut Street, the building appears to exceed the maximum setback of 5 feet § Floor Area Ratio (three. 06 proposed, 2. 25 permitted) § Height (75 feet proposed, 60 feet permitted) fourteen

Design Comments Planning & Community Development Department • Preliminary Consultation with Design Commission: §

Blueprint Comments Planning & Community Development Section • Preliminary Consultation with Design Commission: § The use of 40 feet of street frontage for vehicular access is undesirable. The Commission further recommended removal of the central driveway along Walnut Street. § Break downward and farther clear the massing of the easterly portion of the edifice. § Study the architectural expression of the easterly portion of the building to ensure that it has a clear logic. § Unify the facades of the westerly portion of the building. § Study the treatment of the roofline to be consequent with Central District design guideline. § Ensure that the pedestrian connections from the parking area to the ground-floor commercial spaces are articulate and separate from vehicular access points. xv

Comments from Other Departments Planning & Community Development Department • Transportation: § A traffic

Comments from Other Departments Planning & Community Evolution Department • Transportation: § A traffic study will be required for the project. § Access Management: Limiting driveway access creates less potential for conflict for all modes of travel. The projection shall consolidate the 2 driveways into one, with DOT's preference to eliminate the easterly driveway. • Public Works: § 3 -foot street (sidewalk) dedication volition be required along Walnut Street. sixteen

Project in Progress Planning & Community Development Department The applicant has submitted Affordable Housing

Project in Progress Planning & Community Development Department The applicant has submitted Affordable Housing Concession Permit (AHCP) Application § Mixed-Apply Project with 115 residential units (x very lowincome units) and xi, 237 sq. ft. commercial space § 2. 99 Floor Area Ratio (127, 792 sq. ft. ) § 75 feet maximum height § Changes to the building design (including street setbacks and vehicular ingress/egress) per DOT and Preliminary Consultation comments past Design Commission 17

Next Steps Planning & Community Development Department Affordable Housing Concession Permit (AHCP) Application Review

Next Steps Planning & Community Development Department Affordable Housing Concession Permit (AHCP) Application Review and Analysis Behave CEQA Assay Hearing Officer Public Hearing for recommendation of AHCP and CEQA Design Commission Reviews (Concept and Final Design Review) eighteen

Planning & Community Development Department 115 -Unit Mixed-Use Project (711 E. Walnut Street) Predevelopment

Planning & Community Development Department 115 -Unit Mixed-Use Project (711 Due east. Walnut Street) Predevelopment Programme Review City Council June 13, 2016


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